In this blog series we will explore various types of letters you can write to your child’s school regarding special education or Section 504 issues.
Let’s begin with the first example letter.
Letter to Request Special Education Evaluation:
Are you worried about your child’s performance in school? Do you think they might be dealing with a learning disability? Is your child struggling to finish their assignments and stay focused during class? As a parent, you may have received an official diagnosis of a disability, or you might suspect that your child needs special education services. To get the help your child needs, you need to write a letter to your child’s principal, the special education director, or the child find coordinator in your school district and request an evaluation for special education services. This evaluation is called a Full and Individual Initial Evaluation or FIIE for short.
The Letter:
This request needs to be in writing as it triggers a timeline for the evaluation process in Texas. You can send it via e-mail or print it and bring it to your child’s school.
Items to Include:
- Your child’s name, grade, and date of birth;
- Your child has a diagnosis of ______________ and may need special education services; or that you think your child may have a disability and may need special education services (list out your concerns/examples);
- Request that your child be evaluated for special education and Section 504 services; and
- That you would like to be contacted to schedule a time to sign the consent for evaluation.
Next Steps:
Upon receiving your written request, the school is required to provide you an opportunity to give written consent for the evaluations within 15 school days. If consent is provided, the evaluation process will start as per the timeline set by Texas law. In case of refusal to evaluate your child, the school needs to provide you with a prior written notice.
The initial evaluation process has a set timeline that the school district must follow. After obtaining written consent, the school generally has 45 school days to complete the evaluation. Once the evaluation is complete, the school has an additional 30 calendar days to hold an ARD meeting and determine eligibility.
Upcoming Posts:
In my next post, we will discuss writing a letter requesting a review ARD meeting.
If you think your child needs special education or Section 504 services, but need assistance starting the process, do not hesitate to contact me.