Preparing for an ARD (IEP) Meeting as a Parent

Preparing for an ARD (IEP) Meeting as a Parent

As a parent of a child with special needs, attending an ARD (IEP) meeting can be an overwhelming experience. However, with proper preparation, you can ensure that you are an active participant in the process and that your child’s needs are being met. In this blog post, I will outline some tips for preparing for an ARD (IEP) meeting as a parent.

1. Review Your Child’s Current IEP

Before attending the meeting, review your child’s current IEP, IEP progress report, and evaluations. If you do not have a copy of a document, request one from your child’s school. Make sure you understand the goals, accommodations, and services that are currently in place. Note down any areas where you feel that your child needs additional support or where you feel that the current plan is not working.

2. Gather Information

Collect any information that may be relevant to your child’s education. This may include report cards, progress reports, medical records, and assessments. Use this information to support your concerns and any changes you wish to propose. You may even consider creating a chart(s) to show your child’s lack of progress or regression since the last annual ARD meeting.

Consider requesting a draft copy of the IEP document beforehand. Additionally, request any other relevant documents, assessments, or reports that will be discussed during the meeting. Take the time to review the materials and ensure that all goals and objectives are based on your child’s current academic and functional abilities. Furthermore, ensure that the goals and objectives are SMART goals. This means that they should be Specific, Measurable, use Action Words, be Realistic and Relevant, and be Time-limited. Finally, take note of any changes or questions you have so that you can address them during the meeting.

3. Write Down Your Concerns and Questions

Create a Parent Agenda or make a list of your concerns and questions to bring to the meeting. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you don’t forget any important points. Consider bringing a notebook to take notes during the meeting.

4. Advocate for Your Child

Remember that you are your child’s advocate. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions. If you disagree with something being proposed, express your concerns and propose alternative solutions.

5. Collaborate with the School Team

Remember that the IEP meeting is a collaborative process. Work with the school team to develop a plan that meets your child’s needs. Be open to suggestions and be willing to compromise.

6. Bring someone with you for support

When attending a meeting, it can be helpful to bring along a friend, family member, or professional advocate for support.

7. Follow Up

After the meeting, review the proposed plan and make sure that all of your concerns have been addressed. If you have any further questions or concerns, follow up with the school team.

In conclusion, attending an IEP meeting can be a daunting task, but with proper preparation, you can ensure that your child’s needs are being met. Remember to review your child’s current IEP, gather information, write down your concerns and questions, advocate for your child, collaborate with the school team, and follow up.

In my upcoming blog post, I will share a list of questions to ask during an ARD (IEP) meeting.

If you have questions or concerns about your child’s special education program, don’t hesitate to reach out to me for guidance and support.

This post intends to give you a general idea of the special education process. Samantha Davis cannot predict the outcome of any meetings, including ARD (IEP) meetings held for your child. Special education eligibility and/or services that are offered to your child are based on the decision of the ARD (IEP) committee as a whole.

1 Comment

  1. […] jot down any questions or concerns you have, and gather relevant documents or evaluations. This preparation will help you actively participate in the discussion and make the most of the […]

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