ARD (IEP) meetings can be intimidating, but they’re crucial for your child’s academic success. During these meetings, you’ll work with your child’s teachers and special education team to create a personalized plan that meets your child’s needs.
It’s essential to be prepared and know what questions to ask during these meetings. Here are some common questions to help you get started:
1. What specific assessments were used to determine my child’s eligibility for special education services, and what were the results?
Understanding what assessments were used and what the results were can give you a better understanding of your child’s needs and how to support them.
2. What specific areas of development will the IEP address?
It’s important to understand what areas of development the IEP will be addressing, such as academics, social skills, or behavior management.
3. What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses?
By understanding your child’s strengths and weaknesses, you can better identify areas where they may need additional support.
4. What specific goals will be set for my child, and how will progress be measured?
It’s important to understand what specific goals will be set for your child, how progress will be measured, and how often progress will be reported to you.
5. What specific accommodations and modifications will be provided to support my child’s learning, and how will they be implemented?
It’s important to understand what specific accommodations and modifications will be provided to support your child’s learning, how they will be implemented, and how they will be monitored to ensure their effectiveness.
6. What specific services will my child receive, and how often will they receive them?
Understanding what specific services your child will receive, such as speech therapy or occupational therapy, and how often they will receive them can help you plan your child’s schedule and support.
7. How will my child’s special needs be addressed?
If your child has any special needs, ask how they will be addressed in the classroom setting, and what support will be provided.
8. What kind of training do teachers and staff receive to support my child’s needs?
It’s essential to understand what training teachers and staff receive to ensure that they can meet your child’s needs effectively.
9. How will the IEP be implemented in the classroom?
Ask about how the IEP will be implemented in the classroom, and what support will be provided to teachers to ensure that accommodations and services are put in place.
10. Can we review the IEP section by section?
If you’re new to the ARD (IEP) process, it may be helpful to review each section of the IEP to ensure that you understand it fully.
11. Is there a point of contact for any questions or concerns I have regarding the IEP?
It’s essential to know who to contact if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s IEP.
12. What additional resources are available to support my child’s education?
Ask about any additional resources that may be available to support your child’s education, such as community programs or assistive technology.
13. How can I be involved in my child’s education, and how can I support their learning at home?
Make sure you understand how you can be involved in your child’s education, whether it’s through regular communication with the teacher or volunteering in the classroom. Additionally, ask for specific suggestions on how you can support your child’s learning at home.
In conclusion, it’s important to remember that ARD (IEP) meetings are a collaborative effort between parents, teachers, and special education professionals. By asking the right questions, you can ensure that your child’s IEP is personalized, effective, and ultimately, supports their academic success.
In my upcoming blog post, I will share tips for attending the ARD (IEP) meeting.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s special education program.
This post intends to give you a general idea of the special education process. Samantha Davis cannot predict the outcome of any meetings, including ARD (IEP) meetings held for your child. Special education eligibility and/or services that are offered to your child are based on the decision of the ARD (IEP) committee as a whole.